{TUNE IN TO TEENS SPOTLIGHT} Introducing New Music To Your Teen Clients…and Making It Cool

2020-07-25T19:22:48+00:00July 25th, 2020|

As music therapists and educators, we know the importance of using client-preferred music in our sessions, especially when working with teens. Teens have a very personal relationship with the music that speaks to them. And when we show acceptance for our clients' music, what we're communicating is that we accept them. Using client-preferred music engages [...]

{TUNE IN TO TEENS SPOTLIGHT} Ways to Break the Ice & Work on Group Cohesion With Teens

2020-07-19T19:53:18+00:00July 19th, 2020|

I vividly remember the first time I led a music therapy session with a group of teen clients. I remember thinking it would be easy to build group cohesion among 30 adolescents that didn't know each other, and that we'd be songwriting and rapping in no time. Well, that wasn't exactly the case. It took [...]

Tune In To Teens Open For Enrollment

2020-03-12T14:35:01+00:00March 12th, 2020|

It's finally time: the doors for the Tune In To Teens E-Course are now open (but just for a short while)! This week only, March 9 - 13th, 2020, the course is open for enrollment (so everyone can progress through the course at the same time). Following that, the doors close and I don't really [...]


2020-03-04T16:25:57+00:00February 25th, 2020|

One question I'm asked more than any other is this: "What music should I use with my teen clients and students?" I get it, because it stumps me sometimes, too. First, it's hard to find songs that are: a) appropriate (lyrics and content-wise), b) able to be used therapeutically, and c) considered cool by your [...]

{TUNE IN TO TEENS SPOTLIGHT} Be Flexible Rap & Other Social Skills Interventions

2020-02-12T16:20:34+00:00February 12th, 2020|

On Sundays I provide group music therapy services at Friendship Circle Miami. It's an amazing program, where neurotypical teens are paired with teens with autism and other special needs. Together, they participate in music therapy and recreational programs like sports, karate, cooking, art, and yoga. At the heart of the Friendship Circle program is the [...]

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