Pop Song Spotlight: Songwriting with Sia

2023-05-03T14:48:14+00:00May 3rd, 2023|

Have you been keeping up with the Pop Song Spotlight posts? The past two blogs have been about the best songs for working on attention skills with instruments (Imagine Dragons and OneRepublic are part of this spotlight) and the best songs for movement (a few are perfect for the upcoming summer months). Today, I'm spotlight-ing [...]

How To Therapeutically Use Songs That Don’t Seem To Have Therapeutic Value

2022-05-11T17:53:03+00:00May 6th, 2022|

In music therapy, the music is what we use to captivate and engage our clients so they can work on attention goals, social goals, communication goals, or whatever the goal areas might be. But as music therapists, we have to find and use the music that our clients actually like. That music might be Drake, [...]

Song Share for School-Age Clients: “Let’s Stay In The Green Zone”

2022-02-24T15:58:02+00:00February 24th, 2022|

Recently, I moved from Miami up north and started working virtually at a school in Maryland. I provide group, individual, and consult music therapy services for their middle and high school students with autism and related disabilities (which I absolutely love doing). During the consult for one student who has music therapy on their IEP, the [...]

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