Last week I shared a new song, “Let’s Stay In The Green Zone,” that I had written for a student who receives consult music therapy services.
Today, I want to share a second song I wrote, called “Today I Will,” to help this student stay in the Green Zone of Regulation (meaning they are calm, focused, and ready to learn).
I incorporated a phrase that the team and parents frequently use:
“Today I will ________________.”
Then, filled in the blank with phrases such as “listen to my teachers,” “follow my schedule,” and “do my work.”
Listen to the song (I added a beat and movement pattern too!) and see if it might be helpful for the students with whom you work:
Customize it for your students and clients by filling in the blank with phrases that will help them stay focused and ready to learn.
Leave a comment below to let us know what those phrases are!
When you begin teaching this song, do you do it as an echo, one line at a time? Today I will (Today I will),
Follow my schedule (follow my schedule…) That would seem to allow for a latency period to respond, or using a choice board/ AAL device.
Or has it worked to introduce the entire line with the rhythm going right in to the next line? I’m curious, since we have tried both approaches, based on the language abilities and goals of our students. It’s a clever song with an energetic back beat; thank you for posting.
Thank you for your kind words!
I wrote this song for one particular student. With this student, we sing it together without a repeat because they pick up songs very quickly. However, there is definitely the space for an echo, if that would be more effective for your students.