How To Make Your Holiday Sing-a-Longs With Children Interactive

2025-02-10T17:39:11+00:00December 16th, 2022|

Earlier this week, I was Rockin' and Readin' at the Carroll Valley Library branch in Fairfield, Pennsylvania. The library invited me to lead a session during toddler and preschool story time, and we had a blast! Today, I'm sharing a few ways I turned a typical holiday sing-a-long into an interactive, goal-oriented session for the [...]

FunFest in Gettysburg

2022-07-27T17:46:03+00:00July 27th, 2022|

I recently participated in the Adams County Library's FunFest. Doesn't the name FunFest just sound like a good time? It really was. FunFest is a free event hosted by the library system that celebrates the kick-off of their summer reading program. Community organizations and businesses host vendor booths with activities for children and information for [...]

Back To School Song: “This School Year Will Look a Little Different”

2020-08-17T18:28:16+00:00August 17th, 2020|

Regardless of whether your clients are doing homeschooling, distance learning, or in-person learning, we can all agree that this school year is going to look different than what we're used to. While sitting outside in the backyard watching my girls play and thinking about this, a song about this topic just came to me. [...]

Tips & Tricks for Smooth Transitions – Part 2

2019-09-17T16:40:40+00:00September 17th, 2019|

Last week, I started a two-part mini-series on the importance of transitions when working with children. Quick refresher: 1) Transitions help children know an activity is ending; 2) They help recap and review; 3) They let children know another activity will be starting; 4) Transitions help reduce challenging behaviors; and 5) They help children feel [...]

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