Every so often I get an email from Google telling me the top searches that bring people to my website.

To this very day, the top search that brings people to my site, is “virtual music therapy session ideas.”

That tells me that you are in the same boat I am – still leading many, if not all, of your sessions online (and still looking for ideas to keep things fresh!)

Since moving up to Pennsylvania this summer, I’ve been fortunate enough to continue almost my entire caseload of clients, contracts, and students from Miami (all virtually of course!)

I have continued to brainstorm and plan, tweak and change, and create, create, CREATE virtual session ideas.

I thought it would be helpful today to round up some of those ideas so they’re all in one place for you. Following that, I’ll share some fresh, new ideas in upcoming posts.

Here are some ideas to get you started –

Virtual Music Therapy Ideas to Target Social/Emotional Goals

Virtual Music Therapy Ideas to Target Motor Goals

Virtual Music Therapy Ideas to Promote Relaxation

Virtual Music Therapy to Promote Creativity & Self-Expression

MORE Creative Ideas for Your Virtual Sessions with School-Age Kids & Teens

How To Therapeutically Use Videos During Virtual Music Therapy

It was fun to look back – I hadn’t even remembered all those posts I’d written!

Stay tuned next week when I share brand new ideas for your virtual sessions with children and teens.