We have a vibrant bunch of music therapists here in Miami.
I love connecting with this group to network, share ideas, and just get to know each other better.
We’ve gotten together to swap songs and resources, discuss books we’re reading, and sing at Open Mic Night!
Last week, we got together for some delicious Thai food and to welcome the newest member of our Miami Music Therapists group…Kimberly Sena Moore!
We are thrilled to have her here in Miami and look forward to many more get-togethers.
I’ve found that even gatherings where our group just gets together for dinner provide valuable opportunities to build relationships with these other music therapists and share ideas and stories. These opportunities help us build a strong network of colleagues and friends that we can reach out to.
Our group has music therapists who work in all different parts of Miami and with a variety of clinical populations.
If we ever have a question or referral, we know who to reach out to.
I would even love to expand our group and have networking events that include speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and ABA therapists in the area!
If you haven’t done so already, consider reaching out to the music therapists or other therapists in your community for a get together.
Leave a comment below and let us know what you’ve done to network and build relationships with the other music therapists in your area. We’d love to hear some new ideas!
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