Hello there!
I’m coming to you on a Monday because I just could not wait until our usual Weekly Wednesday blog post to spill the beans. I have an exciting announcement that I’ve been holding in…oh, for about the past year now!
First, I have a few questions for ya:
– Do you work with teens and often feel stumped when it comes to session planning?
– Do you struggle to find appropriate pop songs to use in your sessions with teens?
– Did you purchase Tuneful Teens and wish you had access to even more creative ideas for engaging teens in your sessions?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, you will be just as excited as I am about my Big Announcement! Ok, ok, I can’t wait any longer…here it is…..
Tuneful Teens 2 is coming out February 1st!!!
Yes indeed! I could not be any more excited to make this E-Book available to you!
Many of you who purchased Tuneful Teens (the first edition!) have emailed asking – when is the second edition coming out? But I didn’t want to rush this project, so it has been one year in the making. I’ve be hard at work compiling more of my best ideas for this E-Book.
Every idea in Tuneful Teens 2 has been used multiple times in my music therapy sessions with teens and I am sharing only the most successful and popular ones with you.
In Tuneful Teens 2…
– You’ll find more creative ways to engage teens in music therapy
– You’ll find a comprehensive list of pop songs that can be used effectively in your sessions
– You’ll find new ways to determine the musical preferences of your group members
– You’ll learn more musical games (those are always a hit!)
– You’ll find ideas for implementing creative movement, lyrics analysis and song discussion into your sessions
– You’ll find more inspiration to get your creative juices flowing and generate your own ideas based on the unique needs of your group
I am bursting with excitement! So far over 250 therapists, teachers, educators, and students have purchased Tuneful Teens 1. Many of them have emailed to thank me and let me know how they’ve been able to use the ideas from the E-Book effectively in their sessions.
So mark your calendar for February 1st y’all and make sure you’re a subscriber to hear about all the latest updates!
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