*The Tuneful Teens E-Book series has sold over 2,500 copies and is updated every 6 months with all FRESH, HOT, NEW pop songs!*
Are you stuck for ideas when it comes to planning music therapy activities for your teen populations?
Are you lost when it comes to pop music and knowing what songs are appropriate for this population?
Do you work with teens with autism and struggle to find ways to engage them in social interaction?
Do you work with teens that are “too cool for school” when it comes to music therapy?
Do you have limited time to create new templates for your activities and musical games?
I have, at some point in my career, answered YES to each and every question listed above. However, after twelve years of experience working with teens with various special needs, I have a storehouse full of ideas that I cannot WAIT to share with you!
So, I created an E-Book called Tuneful Teens: Creative Ideas for Engaging Adolescents in Music Therapy.
If you follow the Musical Games series on my blog, Wholesome Harmonies, you have seen a small preview of the ideas I will be sharing in the Tuneful Teens E-Book. But there is SO MUCH MORE! Tuneful Teens is chock full of intervention ideas, song ideas, sheet music, and templates for a variety of activities that are appropriate and engaging for teens. I am SO excited to share my ideas and most successful interventions with you.
Tuneful Teens is your guide to navigating the world of music therapy with adolescents, and it’s only $18! Don’t need any more convincing?
(Or keep reading to find out more about my story and the goodies in Tuneful Teens).
Want to find out more?
My first experience working as a music therapist with teens came when I started my internship at the Matheny Medical and Educational Center in New Jersey. I was terrified. My ‘comfort zone’ had always been with children. I had no idea how to approach the world of pop music and age-appropriate activities for individuals who functioned at a different level than their chronological age.
However, after jumping in, I have now gained twelve years of experience working with teens with various special needs and I have a storehouse full of ideas that I cannot WAIT to share with you! I currently provide group music therapy for the Friendship Circle of Miami, a program for teens with autism and other special needs. This group has helped me generate some of my most successful ideas and has served as a “testing ground” for my new ones.
I am SO excited to share my ideas and most successful interventions with you in Tuneful Teens. The ideas in the E-Book are grouped into the following categories:
– Musical Games –> Learn how I implement my Musical Quiz Game, Musical Hangman, Guess Who, and MORE musical games. Plus gain access to the template for each one – no extra prep work needed!
– Instrument Jams –> Find out how I facilitate jam sessions and use instruments to work on Auditory Perception Training (APT). You’ll also have access to sheet music for my Halloween Song Story…you DON’T want to miss this!
– Social Skills –> Learn how to musically engage teens in dialogue and action about social skills…template included!
– Songwriting –> Find out which popular songs are most successful in facilitating adapted songwriting.
– Move and Groove –> See how I use movement activities to target Auditory Perception Training (APT)…sheet music is included!
– Relaxation –> Read my guided imagery script and learn how I take the teens on a relaxing musical journey to the ocean.
AND THAT’S ONLY THE BEGINNING – I share many more ideas, tips, and strategies in the 40 pages of Tuneful Teens.
Each category lists specific intervention ideas, complete with goal areas, what you will need to prepare in advance, steps of the procedure, AND the template or sheet music (where applicable) for use in your own sessions right away! No extra prep time needed.
BONUS…I’ve included a Pop Song Hot List with 100 of the freshest, hottest songs (updated every six months!) AND I’ve included my Teen Music Survey that I give to each teen group I work with to determine their musical preferences. You do NOT want to miss out on this!
My hope is that this E-Book will not only provide you with creative ideas, but will also help YOU generate your own ideas to engage teens during music therapy. Don’t work with teens? No problem – the activity ideas in Tuneful Teens can easily be adapted for children and adult populations.
The best part? You can have all this – over 40 pages of creative ideas, sheet music, and activity templates – all for only $18!
Here’s what others are saying about Tuneful Teens…the E-Book series has sold over 2,500 copies!
“When I first started out as a new music therapist, the population that intimidated me the most was the tween and teen crowd. That’s why I was so excited when my friend and fellow music therapist Amy Kalas Buser launched her E-Book, Tuneful Teens. Amy provides everything you need — step by step procedures, templates, sheet music, etc. — to implement the interventions in your music therapy sessions. I highly recommend Amy’s book, and also want to give her a shout-out for celebrating the first year of her wonderful blog, Wholesome Harmonies. It has grown leaps and bounds since last year, and I’m excited to watch it continue to do so!
– Rachel Rambach, MM, MT-BC
“I REALLY enjoyed the Tuneful Teens book and am so glad I got it. It gave me a bunch of wonderful ideas for my individual and my group sessions! The things I’ve used the most so far since I purchased the book are the Auditory Perception Training (APT) exercises as well as the movement APT exercises. I’ve made Music Bingo sheets before, but for older adults with aphasia – I’ve never thought of making them for kids before, what a great idea! … Keep the good stuff comin’!”
– Stephanie Scheffel, MM, MT-BC
“My favorite interventions were the instrument jams such as the call-and-response. These can be used with a group or with individuals. I have all individual clients so I feel I can use this intervention with them. I liked it when you also put in some song ideas because I am always looking for more!“
– Ashley Lundquist, MT-BC
“Amy Kalas Buser, MM, MT-BC has some great ideas in her E-Book Tuneful Teens: Creative Ideas for Engaging Adolescents in Music Therapy. I just got it and have used it several times – my group really likes Musical Hangman right now. Very big hit! Great ideas with a sometimes tough population.”
– Jessica Edwards, MT-BC
“Loving it so far. Appropriate for many of my adult clients, too! Two thumbs up!”
– Connie Cheila Huettner, MA, MT-BC
“I love the music quiz game. I have used this activity with both adolescents and my adult groups. All I do is change up on some of the songs to meet the needs of the group. Also I love song writing and have used the song writing ideas with some of my children groups. Just to share I work on inpatient psych units. Thanks so much for this great resource.”
– Jennifer Hezoucky, MT-BC
“Just had a really positive session with a class of seven 6-yr-olds with autism. I used your Haunted House idea, sang the song with the guitar, and saved sound files of eight noises (knocking, boo, etc.) I had eight buddy buttons for the students to press when it was their turn in the song-story. They focused for nearly 15 minutes and were highly engaged, and loved the activity! I also tried the buddy buttons with an older class (higher functioning verbal 9 year olds) later in the day, so they didn’t really need the support, but they absolutely loved the activity. Thank-you for your ideas!”
– Catherine Schmidt, Special Ed Teacher & Music Specialist
“Tuneful Teens is a great resource to expand my repertoire and has provided me tools to work off in my practice. I like the variety of interventions and songs! Suggestions for making it better would be to simply add a second edition!”
– Kristin Noel Veteto, MT-BC
“I’ve really liked having Tuneful Teens as a resource. I just started working with a group of girls age 11-12 and had no idea what kind of music to use or how to structure interventions, and your book came along at just the right time. Most of the girls have Auditory Processing Disorder so I’ve used the Auditory Perception Training exercises; I’ve done the hangman game (they loved it!); and the instrument call and response. I also put together my own cards for the guess who game and plan to use that with another group I’m doing, we’ll see how that goes. Thanks for putting this together, it’s a nice quick easy helpful resource.”
– Jaycie Voorhees, MM, MT-BC
– Cindy Long, MT-BC
– Ambriel Taylor
“I received both E-Books–thank you! I love the ideas, and am going to adapt the games for teens with my senior population. These are really nice resources; thank you again! I was thrilled to find such valuable resources!“
– Brittany Harmon, MT-BC
– Karen Collins, MT-BC