Four Things That Help Me Refocus on My Clients

2017-04-26T14:27:07+00:00August 29th, 2012|

I feel like it has been a while since I wrote a real blog post! Between forming my LLC, launching my new ebook, and some other projects that will soon be revealed ;) , it feels like I haven't had a moment to sit back and reflect on it all. Sometimes when you own a [...]

Sensational Songs & Activities ebook Has ARRIVED!!

2012-08-25T16:14:39+00:00August 25th, 2012|

Launch Day is here and my new ebook Sensational Songs & Activities has arrived!!!! I am thrilled to announce that his resource is available, since it has been months in the making! In case you missed my announcements all over Twitter and Facebook, Sensational Songs & Activities: Sensory-Based Ideas for Music Therapy is an ebook jam-packed with intervention [...]

Here is a Song about S

2016-07-19T19:48:36+00:00August 4th, 2012|

"Here is a song about S...S, S, the letter S!" Here's a little tune to address the letter S. There are a few ways to implement this activity: You can ask children to identify various S-word pictures; you can play "I Spy" and ask them to identify various S-words around the room; or you can sing nonsense words [...]

Hands, Hands

2018-07-24T18:37:02+00:00July 29th, 2012|

It's a Saturday....errr Sunday Song Share! Yay! As I posted on Facebook, my hubby-to-be and I were looking at wedding venues yesterday, so I didn't have a chance to post a new song release yesterday. But here it is for your listening pleasure...a song about body parts for kids!   Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid [...]

Goodbye, So Long

2015-05-29T14:54:56+00:00July 14th, 2012|

No, not really! It's just the name of the newest release for my Saturday Song Share series! Hello and Goodbye Songs are an important part of my music therapy sessions for children with special needs. They are not necessarily right for all populations and settings, but for my children's groups, they provide structure and predictability, as well [...]

Get Ready to Sing Your Heart Out!

2015-04-07T21:40:01+00:00June 6th, 2012|

We have a *newly updated* Songs for Kids web page! There you'll find a variety of my original songs that that can be used in your music therapy sessions or music classes! The songs address a variety of goals and fall under the following domains: Academic, Communication, Move & Groove, Social Skills, and Sense-ational. When you visit the page, [...]

Sing Your Heart Out: It Is Time To Sing a Song

2012-04-30T14:49:31+00:00April 30th, 2012|

This week I am on vacation from my job as a music therapist at UCP's Early Beginnings Academy. Yay! But, I'm not off from my work at Wholesome Harmonies! So, I decided this would be a great opportunity to share some new songs with you! Each day this week I will share a new song, [...]

Look, Look…Take a Look!

2016-07-19T19:51:44+00:00April 24th, 2012|

When I come up with new activities for my sessions at UCP's Early Beginnings Academy, I often consult the teacher's lesson plans. Not only do they give me lots of great ideas for new song topics, but it ensures that my sessions are directly lining up with and supporting the classroom curriculum. This week, some [...]

Connecting Music Therapy and Autism

2012-04-18T12:11:03+00:00April 18th, 2012|

I was recently contacted by the editor of, an online resource for parents of children with special needs. The editor asked if I would take part in Autism Awareness Month by writing an article about music therapy and autism. I was more than happy to do this! This topic is near and dear to [...]

Sense-ational Activities ~ Springtime Sounds

2019-10-12T20:32:43+00:00April 3rd, 2012|

Auditory Stimulation In honor of the beginning of Spring (although it always feels like Spring in Miami!) I'm continuing my series on Sense-ational Activities. Sense-ational activities are those that target the five senses. I've shared activities that provide olfactory stimulation, tactile stimulation, and multisensory stimulation. Today's post will focus on an activity I use to provide auditory stimulation. [...]

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