Have you ever worked with a group where the individuals had a wide range of ages? Or, where you weren’t sure which individuals would show up on any given day?
I know in these situations we want to use musical experiences that are flexible and appropriate for that wide age range, but those can be hard to find.
This is top of mind for me right now, because I recently added ten hours of virtual after school programming to our schedule.
The students, from after school programs in Miami-Dade and Broward counties, range in age from 3-21. That’s a pretty wide range of ages to work with in one group.
But as music therapists, we are creative and flexible, right?
Today I’m going to share a musical experience that is perfect for a wide range of ages, is great for when you’re assessing new clients, AND incorporates a popular song that is wholesome with good lyrical content (hard to find these days!)
It’s a musical experience I like to call “Pop Song Rhythms” and it comes from The Attention & Perception E-Course (which opens for enrollment this coming Monday, March 18th!)
If you want to learn what this musical experience is all about, and how it can be used to not only engage a wide range of ages, but to improve auditory perception skills, sustained attention, and selective attention, enter your name and email below:
When you enter your name and email address, you’ll receive instructions for how to facilitate the Pop Song Rhythms musical experience and a rhythm sheet for “Better When I’m Dancing” by Meghan Trainor.
You can use this in your in-person or teletherapy sessions with children and teens right away.
You’ll also be added to the mailing list, so you’ll be the first to hear when enrollment opens (and closes) for The Attention & Perception E-Course, as well as how to access a discounted rate and bonus material.
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