If you follow my blog (and E-Book series), you know I love a good musical game.
As soon as I mention we’re playing a “game” at the start of a session, I immediately have my clients hooked and excited. Musical games are great in that you can sneak in work on lots of different goal areas while clients are engaged in playing the game.
Now that the holiday season is in full swing, I’ve created two musical games inspired by the Game Show Network. Here’s how they go ~
Holiday Pictionary:
Create a list of holiday songs that have titles which evoke imagery (email subscribers were sent an email with the list of songs I use!) For example, “Oh Christmas Tree” might make you picture a tall pine tree covered in snow. Or, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” might make you picture people boogying around a Christmas tree (or mannequins if you’re into Home Alone!) Write each song title on a separate index card and laminate the cards. Include a sample picture under the song title if your clients need a visual guide.
In the session, divide your group into two teams. One client from Team 1 takes a card and draws a picture of the song title without giving any verbal cues. Team 1 must then try to guess the song title based on the picture. Once the song has been guessed, lead the entire group in singing that song. Following that, Team 2 takes a card and follows the same instructions. This musical experience targets self-expression, group cohesion, and expressive language skills.
{If you’re not already on the email list, hop on here. I shared the complete list of songs I use for Holiday Pictionary with my email list and will be sending out more goodies soon!}
Holiday Name That Tune:
This musical experience is just like it sounds. Play the opening melody line to familiar Christmas songs and have clients guess the songs. Perfect for addressing auditory perception and listening skills. You can also work on group cohesion and communication skills by splitting the group into two teams and instructing them to choose a group leader who will ring a jingle bell when their team knows the correct answer.
BONUS if you use your primary instrument, which will engage clients and motivate them to participate. I use my clarinet and it’s always a hit!
If you’re looking for even more creative ideas for working with teens, school age clients or adults, I’d love for you to check out the E-Course I created, Tune In To Teens. It’s approved by CBMT for 5 continuing education credits and is packed with creative session ideas and strategies for working with teen clients:
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