I’m not going to lie.
When it comes to music therapy I get really excited about things like research and evidence-based practice.
Yep, I do!
So when I was browsing the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) website and saw that the *updated* 2015 Fact Sheet on Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was available, I was pretty stoked.
Music therapy and autism is a particular interest of mine so I’m always interested to see what new research is available.
As I was reading through the fact sheet, I was especially excited (and very pleasantly surprised!) because I noticed my research article from the Journal of Music Therapy was cited!!
The research study was examining music, joint attention and autism. More specifically, I was looking to find what kind of music (simple or complex) was more effective in eliciting joint attention in children with ASD. The results were pretty fascinating and have informed my clinical work ever since. (You can find a link to the entire article and read the results here.)
The AMTA fact sheet included the findings from my study as a research-based example demonstrating the value of music therapy for those with ASD (you can find it on Page 2).
Here is a link to the 2015 AMTA Fact Sheet on Music Therapy and ASD.
This resource is perfect because it’s concise and easily share-able with your co-workers and the client families with whom you work. Be sure to check it out!
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