Does it seem like a while since I’ve written a blog post?
Well that’s because it has been and the reason is…I had a baby!!
She arrived three weeks earlier than expected, which means I sure was glad I had planned ahead and gotten my music therapy sessions covered, my freezer meals made, and the baby’s room ready….well partially ready!
Things have been a wonderful, beautiful whirlwind since she entered the world.
Today I want to share a story about the power of music and how it is working in our lives.
This past school year I taught a course at University of Miami called Music & Development. In the class, we discussed research that shows that babies recognize songs they heard while in utero.
Once I learned this I knew I had to try it out and see if it held true with my little one!
So almost every evening, before I went to sleep during the last trimester of my pregnancy, I listened to the song “Fields of Gold” by Eva Cassidy. It’s always been one of my favorite songs and I thought it would be the perfect soothing song to relax my little one if she got fussy once she entered the world.
My husband and I really weren’t sure how it would all play out once she was here with us. But during our very first night in the hospital, we got to see.
It was three o’clock in the morning and we could not get the baby to settle down.
We’d changed her diaper, fed her, rocked her and held her, but she still would not stop screaming. As new parents we were getting completely frazzled. So I told my husband frantically, “Play her the song!”
He took out his iphone, pulled up “Fields of Gold” on YouTube and began playing the song.
Something incredible happened.
Almost as soon as the opening chords were played, she stopped crying. Her little eyes opened and searched the room, as if she was looking for where the music was coming from. It was as if she recognized the song. And she did. Right there in our arms, to the beautiful sound of “Fields of Gold,” she calmed in our arms. She relaxed and no more tears were cried.
My husband and I looked at each other and we both had tears streaming down our faces.
It was probably once of the most incredible and emotional moments I’ve had.
We’ve all heard about putting research into practice and this was one time I am so glad I did.
Congratulations Amy! I am so happy for you and your growing family. :)
Thanks Jennifer! :)
Amy, this is a beautiful story! Congratulations on your sweet baby girl :)
Thank you so much Rachel! :)
What a beautiful story! I am going to do this with my little one in utero!
Congrats on the arrival of your daughter. Thank you for sharing your personal story.
Thank you JoAnn :)
I played a classical music cassette tape while my daughter now 25 and a music therapist was in utero. When she was a teenager she told me that she didn’t understand why classical music made her feel lightheaded and dizzy. I laughed and said it was because she was floating in amniotic fluid
I love that! What a great story!
Hey Amy, congratulations!!! What a cute little girl you have.
That is such a beautiful story about the music and your little one. My wife is due in September and this will be our first! Lots of changes coming our way. :)
Best of luck with everything.
Thanks Ryan! Congratulations to you too! Parenthood is incredible – I’m loving my first 2 weeks :) Enjoy every moment!
I know that well. When I was pregnant with my first, I sand “Good morning to you” every day in the shower while rubbing my belly. As soon as I sang it after she was born, the did the same. Yay for music!
That is awesome, and yes Yay for MUSIC!