I first began working as a private music therapist rather unintentionally.
I started receiving referrals through my connections at University of Miami, my alma mater. Parents would call the music therapy program director and she would pass their information on to me.
This was all fantastic, except I had no experience in business or running a private practice! Thus, everything I learned was “on the fly” so to speak.
Today I want to share with you some information that has taken me a few months to put together, and is still a work in progress: the Welcome Packet I provide to all the families with whom I work. Rather than give parents new papers each time I see them, I put the entire packet in a folder and provide it to them at the first session. This packet includes the following information:
– Wholesome Harmonies, LLC flyer
– My story and mini-bio
I feel this helps to personalize the treatment experience by allowing parents to get to know me. This also gives me the opportunity to briefly explain my training and credentials. (I worked hard for them!)
– Client Information Form
Allow space for the parent to write: basic contact information; basic information about the child; strengths of the child; and goals for their child during music therapy.
– Attendance and Payment Policies Form
Outline the following information: day and time of sessions; fee for each session; expectations for late/missed sessions; your contact information; and paperwork that will be provided throughout the treatment process (such as Treatment Plans and Progress Reports)
– Business cards
I include about five so they can pass them on to friends.
– Parent Expectations
I include a list of ways that parents can help their child get the most out of music therapy. Some examples?
– Make music part of your everyday routine
– Share any relevant information with me (child’s IEP, treatment plans from other therapies, etc.)
– Ask questions!
– Include siblings/friends in music therapy (I allow them to participate at half the cost of the session)
– Picture/Video Release Form
– Release of Information Form
– Notice of Privacy Practices
– Treatment Plan
Did I leave anything out? What paperwork do YOU provide to the families you work with?
I was wondering where I could locate the forms you shared in your August newsletter and how to access the newsletters from previous months. I am working on a welcome packet. Thank you for sharing this concept. I was already developing some of my own forms, and want it to be personalized and informative.
Hi Anna! I should be able to forward you the previous newsletters and goodies that were included. I’ll try to get it to you by the weekend :)
Just emailed them to you :)
Hi Amy! I’d love to see the forms as well, if you’re still willing to share!
Sure, I’d be happy to share them!
Hi Amy, I love your idea about the welcome package! Would it be possible to get a copy of the forms if they’re still available? I scoured your website looking for them with no luck :( Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!
Hi Ali! They are not posted on my website, I just made these forms available to those on our newsletter list (which you are – yay!) I will email the forms to you this week :)
Hi Would I be able to get a copy of the forms mentioned above? Just signed up for your newsletter :) Thank you!
Absolutely :)
Hi Amy, I am just working on a welcome package! I would love to get a copy of your forms if possible! Thank you!
You got it! I will email shortly :)
Hi Amy! Like those above I’d love to get a copy of your forms as well! Signing up for your newsletter right now.