So Many Spring Scents

2019-10-12T20:27:55+00:00April 3rd, 2019|

When you live in Miami, one season tends to blend right in to the next. Winter feels like Spring and Spring feels like Summer. Nonetheless, I like to acknowledge the change of seasons in my sessions. Thus, I have a ton of ideas in store for my Spring-themed sessions next week. I work at a [...]

Sense-ational Activities ~ Springtime Sounds

2019-10-12T20:32:43+00:00April 3rd, 2012|

Auditory Stimulation In honor of the beginning of Spring (although it always feels like Spring in Miami!) I'm continuing my series on Sense-ational Activities. Sense-ational activities are those that target the five senses. I've shared activities that provide olfactory stimulation, tactile stimulation, and multisensory stimulation. Today's post will focus on an activity I use to provide auditory stimulation. [...]

Sense-ational Activities ~ “So Many Scents”

2019-10-12T20:36:18+00:00January 4th, 2012|

Olfactory Stimulation At UCP's Early Beginnings Academy, I work with many children who have a diagnosis of severe and profound intellectual disability. For these children, stimulation of the five senses is very important. In my previous Sense-ational Activity post, I shared a song and activity about providing tactile stimulation. Here's an original song I wrote [...]

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