Making The Most Of Professional Collaborations (Part 1- with teachers)

2019-08-08T20:36:10+00:00July 17th, 2019|

One thing I've learned in my fourteen years as a music therapist is that it is better when we work together. Cue Jack Johnson singing "it's always better when we're together." One of my favorite parts about working in a school setting is co-treating with other professionals. I have learned a tremendous amount from co-treating [...]

Have You Dusted Off Your Conference Notes?

2019-02-26T20:27:42+00:00February 26th, 2019|

If you're anything like me, you get SUPER EXCITED about conference. There's the preparation and planning out of your session schedule. There's travel to a new destination (even if it is only to see the inside of the hotel!) And there's the reconnecting with music therapy friends and colleagues that you haven't seen in years. [...]

The Conference Glow

2019-02-26T19:59:28+00:00December 4th, 2018|

It's been about two weeks since the National Conference took place in Dallas and I have to say, I think I still have the "conference glow." (Quite the opposite of conference hangover, right?!) This year's conference was amazing. I'm fairly certain I say that every year (in fact last year I called it Ahhhh-mazing), but [...]

How To Stay Cool At Conference

2018-11-12T16:09:27+00:00November 12th, 2018|

Music therapists - do you ever hear colleagues talk about "conference hangover?" It always makes me feel a little sad when I hear this term because I know the point of conference is for us to feel energized and not drained. That got me thinking about how we can have a really great conference experience, [...]

What To Do With All Those Conference Notes?

2019-02-26T20:11:17+00:00October 17th, 2012|

National Conference was Ahhhh-mazing!! I must admit I'm still on a bit of a conference high. I attended presentations on everything from how to  start a music therapy program at a hospital to music therapy for trauma-influenced children to the Orff approach to music therapy. At each session I learned something new or was able to look through [...]

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