Rockin’ Out at the Library

2020-01-28T16:06:52+00:00May 13th, 2015|

Does it seem interesting that a post about the library starts with the phrase "Rockin' Out?" Typically you think about being very, very quiet in the library, but with the music therapy programs offered through Wholesome Harmonies, we are anything but quiet! Since 2010, I've been facilitating music therapy programs at Miami-Dade Public Library System. [...]

Dos Manitas, Diez Deditos

2015-05-13T14:36:54+00:00April 15th, 2015|

    Things sure have been busy around here! My baby is now 10 months old and is cruising all over the place like a champ. It's a lot to keep up with, but she is just so much fun I can hardly stand it! {Check out my guest blog post over at Listen & [...]

Criss Cross Applesauce

2013-02-13T13:08:37+00:00February 13th, 2013|

I used to come into the classrooms at UCP's Early Beginnings Academy and I talk a LOT. "Okay everyone let's sit down in the circle." "Oh you have new shoes - awesome!" "Ok everyone sit down. Stop pulling her hair. Don't pick your nose. Come on let's all sit down!" This year, I am making [...]

Toddler Rock!

2012-09-19T13:48:55+00:00September 19th, 2012|

Today is an exciting day! Wholesome Harmonies, LLC has been expanding the services we provide beyond just music therapy and music lessons (although that is quite enough on it's own!) We now offer Rockin’ and Readin’ programs at local libraries, music therapy groups through the Down Syndrome Association, ukulele lessons, and music at birthday parties. Now [...]

Hands, Hands

2018-07-24T18:37:02+00:00July 29th, 2012|

It's a Saturday....errr Sunday Song Share! Yay! As I posted on Facebook, my hubby-to-be and I were looking at wedding venues yesterday, so I didn't have a chance to post a new song release yesterday. But here it is for your listening pleasure...a song about body parts for kids!   Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid [...]

Get Ready to Sing Your Heart Out!

2015-04-07T21:40:01+00:00June 6th, 2012|

We have a *newly updated* Songs for Kids web page! There you'll find a variety of my original songs that that can be used in your music therapy sessions or music classes! The songs address a variety of goals and fall under the following domains: Academic, Communication, Move & Groove, Social Skills, and Sense-ational. When you visit the page, [...]

Sing Your Heart Out: It Is Time To Sing a Song

2012-04-30T14:49:31+00:00April 30th, 2012|

This week I am on vacation from my job as a music therapist at UCP's Early Beginnings Academy. Yay! But, I'm not off from my work at Wholesome Harmonies! So, I decided this would be a great opportunity to share some new songs with you! Each day this week I will share a new song, [...]

A Day in the Life of a Music Therapist at UCP

2012-03-27T12:57:16+00:00March 27th, 2012|

I love my job. I'll just say it. I have been employed full-time as a music therapist at UCP's Early Beginnings Academy since 2006. I remember when I first started the job thinking "This feeling will pass. It will become mundane." But it never did. I still wake up in the morning and am excited [...]

A Body Parts Song for Kids

2016-07-19T19:52:50+00:00March 24th, 2012|

Today I'd like to share one of my most popular songs, and it's about...BODY PARTS! I use this song frequently with the children I work with who have special needs and it's always a hit.  For older children, you can make the song more complex by using body parts such as: neck, shoulder, back, and [...]

Rainbow Streamers

2012-01-20T13:48:13+00:00January 20th, 2012|

Some of my favorite props to use during my music therapy sessions is my homemade rainbow streamers! An intern of mine had shown me the idea a few years ago and now that I'm seeing them buzzing around Pinterest (my newest obsession!) I decided it was time to spread the word to my blog readers. It [...]

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