About Amy

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So far Amy has created 479 blog entries.

Simple Ways to Incorporate Rap & Hip Hop Into Your Music Therapy Sessions With Teens

2024-01-05T15:44:14+00:00January 5th, 2024|

Whenever I survey my clients about their favorite singers, I inevitably hear names like Drake, Future, Travis Scott, and Bad Bunny. I'll be honest though, most of the time I have to Google these rappers so I can be up to speed on who they are. But since I know that rap and hip hop [...]

Giving Individuals with Disabilities the Opportunity to Perform and SHINE

2023-12-08T20:46:38+00:00December 8th, 2023|

Today I want to write about something that has been a passion of mine for quite some time - giving individuals with autism and related disabilities the opportunity to perform and SHINE. This is top of mind because I've been rehearsing for a holiday program with the preschoolers at Amazing Kids Club, an awesome therapeutic [...]

Winter Session Ideas for Middle & High School Students

2023-12-01T15:59:01+00:00November 30th, 2023|

The temperature is dropping here in Pennsylvania, Thanksgiving is behind us, and I am ready to bust out ALL the winter musical experiences in my sessions. I'm thinking creative movement, freeze dancing (of course), and creative listening to winter-themed classical music. If you're feeling inspired by the drop in temperature too, but need a little [...]

Music Therapy in ACTION – The Finale!

2023-10-11T16:06:24+00:00October 11th, 2023|

Today we are wrapping up the Music Therapy in Action series with some of my most favorite videos - our Special Performances and Events! I worked for seven years at United Community Options of Miami, facilitating music therapy for children with autism and related disabilities. During that time, my interns and I prepared many different [...]

Music Therapy in ACTION – Part 2!

2023-09-19T15:30:47+00:00September 19th, 2023|

Last week, I posted about the Music Therapy in ACTION page, and how music therapists can use it to get new ideas and watch videos to see what different techniques look like when implemented. In that post, I highlighted the sections on the Cognitive, Sensory & Motor/Physical domains. But there's more! On the Music Therapy [...]

Music Therapy in ACTION!

2023-09-12T15:15:18+00:00September 12th, 2023|

I don't know about you, but when I'm learning new music therapy techniques, I love to see them IN ACTION. It's one thing to read about techniques in a book or hear about them in class, and it's another to see them being implemented in an actual session with clients. That's why I created a [...]

Virtual Music Therapy at the Beach

2023-07-25T20:19:12+00:00July 24th, 2023|

I can still hear the sound of the waves crashing ashore, and smell the suntan lotion wafting through the air. Ahhhh. I just got home from a fantastic beach vacation with my family. We boogie boarded, built sand castles, watched ghost crabs, fished, and went parasailing (it was our first time!) The coolest part about [...]

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