Stephanie Romay, MA, MT-BC
Bilingual Board-Certified Music Therapist
“With my music I dream of enriching people’s lives, warming up their hearts and awakening their souls and desire to live.”
Born in Los Angeles and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Stephanie Romay is a musician, singer-songwriter, and board certified music therapist that has traveled around the world growing and developing among diverse cultures, moments, and spaces that have made her who she is today.
Stephanie graduated as a Psychologist in Miami at the age of 21. She then traveled to Madrid, Spain, where she got a degree in Photography, moved to Buenos Aires to study Equine Therapy, worked with her music in India and Kenya with underprivileged children, and continued with her studies at New York University where she acquired a Master’s degree in Music Therapy. It was this career where she discovered the true power of music.
Kind Words About Stephanie
“Stephanie is wonderful. Danny looks forward to her sessions and enjoys them immensely. Besides being talented, she is sensitive and kind. She strikes the perfect “note” in communicating with Danny.”
– Tobi Wolf, wife of Danny
“Stephanie is amazing. The more Isabella and her work together the better. Thank you for all your help.”
– Suzette Parks, mother of Isabella
* comments used with written permission
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