Laura Chami, MM
NICU Music Therapist & Piano Teacher
I’m Laura and I received my Bachelor’s degree in Music-Liberal Arts and Editing/Writing/Media with a certificate in Sacred Music from Florida State University. I also received my Master’s degree in Music Therapy from Florida State University.
I completed my clinical internship at Chris Evert Children’s Hospital in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. There, I worked with pediatric patients ages from premature newborns to eighteen year-olds. During my internship, I specifically worked on the Oncology/Hematology floor, General Pediatrics, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and the Oncology/Hematology Outpatient Clinic. I am also certified as a Neurological Music Therapist (NMT) and NICU Music therapist.
Since graduating from FSU, I have worked as an independent contractor in South Florida, my clients ranging from the age of 1 to 20, all on the autism spectrum. In my spare time I participate in community choirs, learn Spanish, and plan my next trip to explore the world!
Kind Words about Laura
“B. loves Laura and is having a great time learning. Laura is amazing and B. is having fun playing with her. Thank you so much.”
– Parent of child receiving adapted drum lessons
* comments used with written permission
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