Making the Most of Professional Collaborations (Part 2 – with therapists)

2019-08-13T15:04:22+00:00July 31st, 2019|

Are you still humming "It's always better when we're together?" That's the theme of last week's blog post and this week's blog post: how to make the most of your collaborations with other professionals. I love, love, LOVE co-treating with other therapists - speech language pathologists (SLPs), occupational therapists (OTs), physical therapists (PTs) and ABA [...]

Making The Most Of Professional Collaborations (Part 1- with teachers)

2019-08-08T20:36:10+00:00July 17th, 2019|

One thing I've learned in my fourteen years as a music therapist is that it is better when we work together. Cue Jack Johnson singing "it's always better when we're together." One of my favorite parts about working in a school setting is co-treating with other professionals. I have learned a tremendous amount from co-treating [...]

So Many Spring Scents

2019-10-12T20:27:55+00:00April 3rd, 2019|

When you live in Miami, one season tends to blend right in to the next. Winter feels like Spring and Spring feels like Summer. Nonetheless, I like to acknowledge the change of seasons in my sessions. Thus, I have a ton of ideas in store for my Spring-themed sessions next week. I work at a [...]

We Are Rockin’ & Readin’ at the Library in March

2019-02-20T15:28:24+00:00February 20th, 2019|

The library is one of my favorite places to be. I've always loved the smell of the books and the peacefulness that lives in the bookshelves. Well, that is the peacefulness until storytime starts! If you've ever been to one of our Rockin' & Readin music sessions, you know we get a little bit loud [...]

Plan Your Themed Sessions for the Entire Year with this FREE Resource

2019-01-30T15:21:17+00:00January 30th, 2019|

I will admit I'm a big "holiday person." I love planning special celebrations for each holiday. This comes in handy when I session plan because I always have a theme to inspire me. If you aren't already been using it, I want to point you in the direction of a free resource here that will [...]

Mindfulness in Music Therapy

2019-01-09T02:20:47+00:00January 9th, 2019|

One of my main goals for the new year is to be more mindful and present, both in my personal life and professional life. I know this can have far reaching benefits. I've read about it, I've listened to people talk about it on podcasts, but I have yet to be consistent with this practice. [...]

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