Attention and perception are fundamental abilities that underlie all the other skills we work on with our clients and students.
Our clients can’t improve social skills or practice motor skills until they can attend.
Our students can’t increase communication abilities or learn new academic concepts until they can attend.
According to Dr. Kathleen Howland, MT-BC, SLP-CCC: “Nobody can learn anything until they can pay attention. Attention is the bedrock of all cognition.”
The Attention and Perception E-Course was created for music therapists, educators, and other professionals who want to deepen their understanding of attention and perception, and use that knowledge to create engaging and effective musical experiences to target those processes.
Watch this video to see everything that’s included in the course:
🎼 Basic: E-Course
3 months of access
5 continuing ed credits (pre-approved)
The E-Course offers a thorough overview of attention and perception, and gives a multitude of creative intervention ideas for targeting auditory perception and listening skills, and sustained, selective, divided, alternating, and joint attention. Each and every intervention can be facilitated via teletherapy or in person.
You’ll watch more than 30 video demonstrations, so you can see what the techniques look like in action during actual music therapy sessions.
And, throughout the course you’ll learn creative intervention ideas, new original songs, and strategies for maintaining your clients’ attention throughout a session. You’ll also have access to sheet music, colorful visuals, pop song rhythm sheets, listening guides, dance break MP3s, and creativity worksheets.
♪ Advanced: E-Course | Article Review & Reflection Qs
6 months of access
8 continuing ed credits (pre-approved)
For the article review, you’ll read “Joint Attention Responses of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder to Simple Versus Complex Music” (I’ll provide it to you!) and answer reflection questions. This will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of joint attention and the kind of music that is most effective in eliciting responses to joint attention.
🎸 Pro: E-Course | Article Review + Reflection Qs | Email Idea Subscription + Support
6 months of access
15 continuing ed credits (pre-approved)
For the email idea subscription, you’ll receive one package of session ideas that target attention and/or perception straight to your inbox at the beginning of each month. The ideas will be in PDF format and include step-by-step instructions, as well as all the information you’ll need to prepare and facilitate the musical experiences. This includes lyrics, MP3s, visuals, musical game templates, or listening guides.
With each month’s idea you’ll also receive a Creativity Worksheet that prompts you to plan out goals, objectives, and musical experiences to work on that attention or perception skill with your own unique clients. You’ll also have email access to the course instructor to ask any questions regarding the topics and techniques you’re learning in the course.
Each option above comes with Bonus Material: Movie Themed Session Ideas for Targeting Auditory Perception & Attention. The ideas are customized for teletherapy or in-person sessions and are sure to engage your clients and students.
Your instructor, Amy Kalas Buser, MM, MT-BC:
- Studied at University of Miami and is trained in Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT)
- Has fifteen years of experience as a music therapist and music educator
- Served as Interim Professor of Music Therapy at University of Miami
- Published research on joint attention in the Journal of Music Therapy
- Taught two E-Courses: Autism & Special Needs Course (previously on Music Therapy Ed) and Tune In To Teens
In Chapter 1, you’ll:
- Learn what auditory perception skills are and dig into the five types of attention
- Examine why these skills are so important to develop
- Learn to identify client needs in the areas of auditory perception and attention
- Explore research studies that support the use of music in attention and perception training
In Chapter 2, you’ll:
- Learn a multitude of creative intervention ideas for targeting attention and perception. Specifically, we’ll focus in on Auditory Perception Training (APT) and Musical Attention Control Training (MACT)
- Examine the corresponding goals and objectives that are being targeted by each technique
- Learn a variety of new, original songs
- Design music therapy experiences that target auditory perception and attention skills AND are considered cool by your clients and students
- Watch more than 30 video demonstrations, so you can see what the techniques look like in action
In Chapter 3, you’ll:
- Learn why music is an effective medium for therapy, and specifically is effective in targeting attention and perception goals
- Explore how to purposefully use musical elements to capture your clients’ attention
- Learn strategies for obtaining, maintaining, and stretching your client’s attention throughout a musical experience and session
- Examine the scientific logic that supports the use of the techniques you learn in Chapter 2
Here’s what others are saying about The Attention & Perception E-Course:
“Would I recommend the course to others? Oh, absolutely. Your voice is easy to listen to, your videos are excellently edited, and your material is succinct and straightforward. For someone with ADD, this was AWESOME and so simple to stay attentive. The edited videos of client interventions seamlessly fit into the instruction videos. It made it so easy to mentally jump from what a therapist can do to use this information and these techniques. Thank you for making it a fun learning experience!”
– Sarah Jarvis, Music Therapy Intern
“I loved the videos! It allowed me to see everything from the the slides being put into action. Which helps me a lot! Would I recommend the course to others? Yes, because it is a great way to learn and understand about the clients you are serving and some great ideas for interventions on how to serve them.”
– Ashley Grampp, Music Therapy Intern
“Chapter 2 and 3 were extremely informative. I found the section regarding addressing multiple levels of ability very helpful as well as the science background as it applies to perception and retention of information. Very informative and clear information from a real world perspective. Thank you again for such a great course, well organized too. I was telling my husband today that you are a gifted instructor and I think anyone who presents information could benefit from your content.”
– Carolyn Perkins, Music Teacher
“I worked in Special Ed for almost 25 years and you and I are on the same page. I loved the way you used your clarinet. I keep telling my interns to use their primary instrument. I have also tried to explain several of the concepts like the way you described the instrument and had them count the pieces while you put it away. Great to have video examples for my interns!”
– Debi Kret, MM, MT-BC
“I think it’s great. I didn’t realize there was so much to dissect about attention and perception, it was very informative. My favorite feature of the course was how organized everything was.”
– Laura Pruett, MT-BC
Laura Pruett, MT-BC rated the instructor’s presentation style as EXCELLENT; the instructor’s knowledge of the subject and clarity as EXCELLENT; the quality and quantity of relevant information as EXCELLENT, and the organization of material in the course as EXCELLENT.
Magen Dignan, MT-BC rated the instructor’s knowledge of the subject and clarity as EXCELLENT; the quality and quantity of relevant information as EXCELLENT, and the organization of material in the course as EXCELLENT. She said the feature of the course she enjoyed most were the activity ideas and she said she would recommend the course to others because it was “clear and concise.”
Here’s what others are saying about Amy’s E-Course, Autism & Special Needs (previously on Music Therapy Ed):
“It was THE best course I have taken!! I love how she gave it to you in words, then SHOWED you!! It was perfect. Please teach another course! I love your style and would love to see more from you!”
– Amanda White, MT-BC
“I am so excited about this course! I LOVE the resources and songs you have included. I had an AHA moment during each lesson so far. I couldn’t stop watching the videos, I just got so excited. Now I’m going to go back and watch them all again and complete the action steps!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this course! So very useful!”
– Julie DeKeyzer, MM, MT-BC
“What an information and idea packed course this has been. I’m particularly grateful for the activity ideas and the final creativity worksheet and action plan…This was exactly the sort of course I crave – facts, research, practical application, video demonstration, activity ideas…perfect!”
– Denise Travis, MM, MT-BC
“I thought your course was excellent. I work with adults on the autism spectrum, and have gotten a lot of ideas from this course. Thank you so much for all the information and the excellent way it was presented.”
– Marilyn Leeseberg, MT-BC
“Just completed Chapter 1, and am already excited to incorporate several of the songs into my practice. The videos are awesome – it is so helpful to be able to watch you in action, Amy! I am SO loving the course! I hope that you will do more courses in the future! This course has been fantastic! :)”
– Kimi Beck, MT-BC
Here’s what others are saying about Amy’s E-Course, Tune In To Teens – Creative Ideas for Connection & Music Therapy Session Planning:
“I think this was the most organized and clearly presented online music therapy course I have ever taken. Thank you for so much for the valuable and useful information. I really appreciated the amount of specific, practical, and useful ideas.”
– John Kneip, MT-BC • Music Therapist
“Lifesaver course. I’m working with high school and post-grad students for the first time. I struggled to make relevant, age-appropriate activities, and your course was the first thing I turned to. I’m having an easier time of it now and I thank you for the great information!”
– Julia Sullivan, MT-BC • Music Therapist
“Amy is very knowledgeable and quite obviously loves what she does. I believe that many music therapists would benefit from her knowledge of this particular clientele and well as the push to find your own creativity again. So often we get bogged down in the day to day and just need to reconnect and get some fresh insight.”
-Cynthia Fahey, MT-BC • Music Therapist
“It is the only comprehensive resource that I have been able to find online that has specifically helped me in planning my sessions.”
– Ali Howshall • Music Teacher
“This course was one of the most organized and thorough courses that I have taken! The instructor shared valuable information, suggestions, and provided materials and resources that I will definitely use with my clients. I appreciate examples of various music experiences that address the music therapy domains as well as strategies to help with challenging situations that may occur while working with this population.”
– Stacie Proctor, MM, MT-BC • Music Therapist
Here’s what others are saying about Amy’s E-Books & Resources:
“I highly recommend Amy’s book, Tuneful Teens. When I first started out as a new music therapist, the population that intimidated me the most was the tween and teen crowd. That’s why I was so excited when my friend and fellow music therapist Amy Kalas Buser launched her E-Book, Tuneful Teens. Amy provides everything you need — step by step procedures, templates, sheet music, etc. — to implement the interventions in your music therapy sessions.”
– Rachel Rambach, MM, MT-BC • Music Therapist
“I hope you keep creating more E-Books and CMTE online courses. I love all the ones you currently have available. You are great and your ideas and presentation are so creative and also easy to implement, as you do a great job of “breaking” all the interventions down. Thank you and please keep creating!”
– Michelle Nettle, MT-BC • Music Therapist
Who is this course designed for?
Music therapists, educators, and any other professional who wants to deepen their understanding of attention and perception, and use that knowledge to create engaging and effective musical experiences to target those processes. School psychologists, special ed teachers, regular ed teacher, and music teachers are all most welcome!
I purchased some of your E-Books and loved them! Are the ideas in the course different than the ideas in the E-Books?
Yes! All the ideas in The Attention & Perception E-Course are completely fresh and new, and do not appear anywhere in my E-Books or on my blog. That’s why I am SO excited to share this course with you!
How is the course set up?
The course is made up of three chapters, each containing multiple video lessons. In addition to all the videos, you’ll have access to a variety of course materials to download: slide decks (i.e. PowerPoints), sheet music, intervention explanations, colorful visuals, pop song rhythm sheets, listening guides, dance break MP3s, and creativity worksheets. You can work through the material at your own pace and have 3 – 6 months to complete the course, depending on the package you choose.
How do I purchase online?
It’s easy. Just choose the package that’s the best fit, and click on the button that says “I’m In!” You’ll enter your payment information (via Paypal, debit card or credit card). Following that, you’ll receive an email from me that welcomes you to the course and provides you with the link to register. You’ll create a unique and secure username and password that will allow you to access the course at any time from the comfort of your home.
Can I pay with a debit or credit card?
Yes absolutely! After you click on the I’m In!” button, the Paypal payment portal will open. Click near the bottom where it says “Pay with debit or credit card.”
Do you accept Purchase Orders?
Absolutely. To request an estimate or an invoice, or to submit a Purchase Order, email me at or click here to send me an email via our contact form.
Once I’m registered, how do I access the course?
To access the course, you’ll click on the Login button in the navigation bar of the Wholesome Harmonies website. You’ll enter your secure and individualized username and password. Once you do that you’ll be taken straight to Chapter 1 to begin watching the videos.
What happens if I have a tech issue while trying to log in to the course and watch the videos?
Fear not! If you have any questions, email me at or click here. I will typically respond within 24 hours (usually sooner) to help resolve the issue.
How do I obtain CMTE credits?
Complete the Course Evaluation Form and email the completed Creativity Worksheets to me at Once the evaluation form and completed Creativity Worksheets are received, I’ll email your course certificate to you within one week. That certificate verifies that you have successfully completed the course for 5 – 15 continuing education credits, depending on which package you chose. I also keep a copy of the certificate on hand in the event that you should need it for a CBMT audit.
I have a question that’s not listed here.
No worries at all. Email me and I would be happy to answer any additional questions you have. Send an email to or click here.
Prerequisites: None
CBMT Affiliation: The Attention & Perception E-Course is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 5 – 15 Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. Wholesome Harmonies, LLC, #P-152, maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.
It’s easy to get started: Once you enter your payment information (via Paypal, debit card or credit card), you’ll receive an email from me that welcomes you to the course and provides you with the link to register. You’ll create a unique and secure username and password and immediately be able to access the course, download the materials and get started watching the videos!
Want to take the E-Course for FREE? We are now accepting Purchase Orders, so the E-Course can be paid for with school funds or district funds. To request an estimate or an invoice, or to submit a Purchase Order, email me at: or click here to send me an email via our contact form.
Tech troubles? If you experience any “tech” troubles at any time, just send me an email: or click here to send me an email via our contact form. I’m here to help and typically respond within 24 hours to assist (usually less!)
Refund Policy: If you are not satisfied with this course, you have 15 days from the purchase date to submit a written request for a refund to Amy Kalas Buser at: Refund requests must be accompanied by a thorough explanation of why you are unsatisfied along with the completed Creativity Worksheets for each chapter. The course instructor reserves the right to approve or deny refund requests on a case-by-case basis.
The Attention & Perception E-Course is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 5 – 15 Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. Wholesome Harmonies, LLC, #P-152, maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.