Music therapy intervention: Therapeutic Instrumental Music Playing (TIMP) with tambourine
Goal: To improve gross motor functioning in the upper extremities
Objective behavior: Client will fully extend his arms above the head
During this intervention the music therapist sings an original song. The lyrics, meter, and rhythmic beat of the song cue the child to move the tambourine up and down. This provides the child with multiple opportunities to fully extend his arms above the head.
Music therapy intervention: Therapeutic Instrumental Music Playing (TIMP) with drum and tambourine
Goal: To improve gross motor functioning in the upper extremities
Objective behaviors: Client will fully extend his upper extremities in front of him and cross midline
During this intervention the music therapist sings an original song. The lyrics, meter, and rhythmic beat of the song cue the child to fully extend the upper extremities in front of him to play the drum and tambourine. He then crosses midline to alternate between playing the drum and tambourine. Both instruments serve as targets that provide auditory feedback when the movement has been completed. The instruments can be moved to the side, up high, or down low, to work on range of motion.
Music therapy intervention: Music and movement with clarinet cueing the movements
Goal: To improve gross motor functioning
Objective behavior: Clients will march around the room