When you live in Miami, one season tends to blend right in to the next.

Winter feels like Spring and Spring feels like Summer. Nonetheless, I like to acknowledge the change of seasons in my sessions. Thus, I have a ton of ideas in store for my Spring-themed sessions next week.

I work at a school called Children’s Resources here in Miami, providing group music therapy sessions to the PreK – 5th grade classrooms. For the children who are sensory learners (those with severe and profound intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder), I bring in experiences that target ALL the senses.

Let’s focus today on my personal favorite – the sense of smell.

To provide olfactory stimulation I bring in the following Spring-y scents:

  • Peach
  • Pineapple
  • Flowers
  • Mangoes
  • Coconut
  • Passionfruit
  • Sunscreen

PRO TIP: Go to the Dollar Tree and stock up. You will not be disappointed. You can find lotions, candles and room sprays in a variety of scents.

To facilitate this experience, I ask the teachers to pass around one scent at a time while I sing this original song:

I love to see eyes widen as the children get a whiff of coconut or mango. Yum! If you’d like to use this song in your upcoming sessions:
Sheet Music & Download
And be sure to check out the Sensational Songs & Activities E-Book for more sensory ideas, sheet music, & themed session plans:

Sensational Songs & Activities