{TUNE IN TO TEENS SPOTLIGHT} Ways to Break the Ice & Work on Group Cohesion With Teens

2020-07-19T19:53:18+00:00July 19th, 2020|

I vividly remember the first time I led a music therapy session with a group of teen clients. I remember thinking it would be easy to build group cohesion among 30 adolescents that didn't know each other, and that we'd be songwriting and rapping in no time. Well, that wasn't exactly the case. It took [...]

Virtual Music Therapy With Teens To Promote Creativity & Self-Expression

2020-05-09T14:58:14+00:00May 9th, 2020|

Earlier this week, I walked out of my virtual music therapy sessions glowing. The sessions had been great, the group of teens I worked with were totally engaged in our experiences, and it almost felt like there was no "online" barrier. I felt the same connection I feel when we're "in-person" together. It was pretty [...]

Why Attending Conference is Critical

2019-12-04T14:21:46+00:00December 4th, 2019|

Two weeks ago I flew from the palm tree-lined streets of Miami to frigid, snowy Minneapolis for the National Music Therapy Conference. Although the temperature change was a bit of a shock, even for me who grew up in Pennsylvania (and has lived in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey), I am so glad I went. [...]

Tips & Tricks for Smooth Transitions – Part 2

2019-09-17T16:40:40+00:00September 17th, 2019|

Last week, I started a two-part mini-series on the importance of transitions when working with children. Quick refresher: 1) Transitions help children know an activity is ending; 2) They help recap and review; 3) They let children know another activity will be starting; 4) Transitions help reduce challenging behaviors; and 5) They help children feel [...]

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