This week I am on vacation from my job as a music therapist at UCP’s Early Beginnings Academy. Yay! But, I’m not off from my work at Wholesome Harmonies! So, I decided this would be a great opportunity to share some new songs with you! Each day this week I will share a new song, as well as suggestions for implementation in your practice today. Let’s get started!…

Communication is an important goal area that is addressed during my music therapy sessions with children with special needs. Here is a song I use with children who are just starting to vocalize bilabial/consonant combinations such as /ba/, /ma/, /tee/, /shoo/, etc. Insert any of those sounds that you would like into this song – OR let the child choose the sounds he or she would like to sing!

Bonus if you have toy microphones from the Dollar Tree Like I do. These are great for encouraging vocalizations and making the kids feel like they’re on American Idol!

Goals for this song: to increase expressive language, to improve articulation. Sing along if you want!

Image courtesy of [Phaitoon] /